軟光碟人人有份!資訊中心提供每位學生一份微軟Office 2007 + Vista光碟片,可安裝在個人電腦上並不限在校內使用,學生還沒有領取者請洽各系所系辦公室,若遺失光碟片亦可至資訊中心窗口申請借用...<more>

Get what you deserved !

NTNU ITC provide each student a copy of Microsoft Office 2007 and Microsoft Vista installation CD. Students who did not get their copy during their first year, please contact their department office or register with NTNU ITC to borrow a copy for 7 days.


Introducing the NTNU ITC Help Desk

Helpdesk@ntnu.edu.tw is a support channel offered by the university's Information Technology Center. Please contact us if you have any question regarding to the services provided by the university's ITC. Be sure to identify yourself and leave us your contact information so we can get back to you as soon as we can.


Office Documents to PDF service

NTNU ITC now provide a free online service to transform your office documents into adobe PDF format. The current support formats are Microsoft Word 2003/2007, Excel 2003/2007, Powerpoint 2003/2007.  

Safe guard the authenticity of digital media

On April 29, 2009 Taiwan government has pass the law to further combat digital media piracy. In the future, any Internet Service Provider is allow to terminate any customer's internet connection if the customer is find guilty of committing digital media piracy three times. In NTNU if Information Technology Center received notification that any students who committed digital piracy, the student will be denied minimum a month of internet connection and the student will have to sign a declaration form promise not to commit further digital piracy acts.


Protect yourself while filing income tax online

If you are going to file your income tax online, please use the program provided by Taiwan Ministry of Finance (tax.nat.gov.tw). Make sure your computer is protected by anti-virus program and remove any p2p program to decrease the chance of identity theft from happening.


Blackboard to Moodle

After this semester, the e-Learning platform service will be moved from Blackboard to Moodle.


VOIP phone is now ready to use

University's VOIP phone is now ready for everyone to make phone calls to others inside the university.