Moodle數位學習平台誕生了! 除了現有的Blackboard數位學習平台,資訊中心建置「Moodle數位學習平臺」,介面友善操作簡易,讓教師輕鬆上手...<more>

Moodle e-Learning platform now available

NTNU teacher now has an alternative choice of e-Learning platform beside the current Blackboard e-Learning platform. Moodle e-Learning platform has friendly user interface which is easy for faculties to use.


New version of SPSS is available to NTNU graduate students!

Multilingual version of SPSS17 can be used in windows with different languages.


VOIP service will soon be available!

VOIP project construction is nearly complete. We will be going into testing phase in April, soon all NTNU user will not face busy phone calls anymore.


Follow recommended practice to keep your computer safe.

Please do not open emails from unknown source. Follow this simple practice, you can greatly reduced the chance you get attacked by computer viruses or malicious programs.


Website tools available to detect missing links on websites.

NTNU ITC had diagnosed and determined the missing links in all NTNU's department websites. On April 8th there will be a conference held to discuss website diagnostic results. All NTNU department please send their website editor to join the conference.

Advance your career!!
More NAMO, Microsoft Office courses are now available for registration. Starting in April, every Wednesday afternoon, more advance topics will be covered in the class.


Convenient and economical campus SMS service now available!

NTNU SMS service is now available to NTNU administrative departments. NTNU services can now be sent to NTNU users' cell phone to remind people important upcoming events.