iThome!資訊週刊雜誌之CIO Talk IT經理人開講專欄,專訪本中心吳正己主任,以「服務得讓使用者感受到才有意義」及「臺師大建立回饋系統強化服務」為整體內容主軸,闡述本中心制定開發系統的作業規範,降低系統轉移或人員異動風險,並為強化資訊中心的服務品質,建立諮詢服務系統,提供意見回饋的機制...<more>
ITHome' s CIO TALK IT Executive section interviewed NTNU ITC Director Cheng-Chih Wu focused on various ITC directives. Director Wu believes that if a service quality can't be felt by its users, then it is not a good service. To ensure such belief, ITC introduced service quality feedback system as the after service quality survey, create standard development practice to lower the risk associated with system knowledge transfer.

NTNU now offer VPN (Virtual Private Network) service to NTNU computer users. VPN users can use their NTNU email accounts to authenticate with the VPN system through their web browser and access various services available only within the NTNU campus.

版軟體搶先用!最新軟體微軟大專校園授權MS Windows 7中文升級版軟體光碟將陸續發送,敬請本校師生(專任教師及大學部、碩士班、博士班、進修推廣學院在職進修碩士專班及進修推廣學院二年制技術系在職學士班等具有學籍之在學學生)向系所索取...<more>
Microsoft Windows 7 Operating system is now available to NTNU students. Please contact your department for your windows 7 disc.

定郵件過濾規則阻擋病毒郵件!近日一封冒用微軟Microsoft Windows Agent名義發送的Conflicker.B病毒警告信正在大量散播中。為顧及本校師生同仁的資訊安全,本中心已設定郵件過濾規則阻擋病毒郵件,以降低師生及同仁收到假冒信的風險...<more>
An email message posing as Microsoft Windows Agent containing Conflicker.B virus warning. NTNU ITC email filter has already set to block such email preventing further spread of the computer virus.

Nov. 19th is the annual university’s athletic game. For those who are unable to attend. You are now able to view them on the webcast provided by NTNU ITC.
We have added new scanners to NTNU computer labs. With the new scanner, you can scan A4 size color printed papers with a simple touch on the scanning button located on the machine.
ITC awards Wei-chuan, Huang as the ITC Best Employee of the Month. Wei-chuan, Huang is recognized for his effort during the national programming competition hosted in October.