本校新進師生有禮     微軟光碟免費領取

贈送全校新生及新進教師【微軟大專校園授權軟體光碟】,含有MS Windows 8.1中文升級版、MS Office2013中文版等軟體,請直接向各系所洽領。本校教師及學生享有微軟CA合法授權之使用權,並提醒Windows升級版本非完整版授權,單位或個人新購電腦,仍應購買隨機版作業系統。

Please contact your department office to obtain a copy of Microsoft Windows 8.1 (Chinese upgrade edition) and Microsoft Office 2013 Chinese edition. Please be advised, the Microsoft Windows 8.1 upgrade edition must be used in conjunction with a fully licensed windows computer.

歡迎使用師大儲存雲    離校提供延長使用


With the advent of 103 for the academic year graduation season, a system was developed to provide graduated applicants extended time to keep their files on the NTNU storage cloud for a year upon graduation. After the graduation, students will only be allowed to download files that remain on the NTNU storage cloud.

自然輸入法     MAC版上市了


To address university’s Mac Users’ need for a familiar Chinese input method, we have purchased Natural input method for Mac, and it is now available for download on the university software download page for all the university’s Mac users.

快下載手機APP  撥打網路電話免費

網路電話也有APP,提供手機免費撥打服務,方便行動管理又省錢。手機用戶至Google Play或App Store下載安裝MKY Plus App,透過App 撥打070830+各辦公室網路電話分機通話免費,還有其他服務請詳資中最新公告。<詳全文>

The “MKY Plus + Call in One” mobile app, which is available on Google Play or Apple Itune Store, will give the user ability to make Internet phone call. Calls made using the mobile app with 070830+ the university office phone extensions are free of charge. Please follow the NTNU ITC announcements for future services.

教職員資訊素養研習     9月陸續開辦新課程

「103學年第1學期教職員資訊應用研習」於9月初陸續開班,規畫課程有:威力導演10初級、威力導演10進階、數位教材製作-EverCam、數位教材製作-Camtasia 、Smart apps creator、ipad好用軟體介紹及應用、Google文件編輯,最新開課資訊敬請上網查詢,名額有限請儘早報名。 <前往報名>

"The first semester of the academic year 103 staff Information Technology Learning" classes starts in early September, the available classes include: PowerDirector 10 introductory / Advance, Digital teaching materials –EverCam / Camtasia, Smart apps creator, popular ipad Apps, how to use Google documents. To register, please contact NTNU ITC.

新學期新設備   電腦教室換新機


In a continuous effort to provide a better education environment, we upgrade the computer labs in main campus and linkou campus with new computers and software packages. All students and faculties are welcome to use.