王偉彥國際Fellow榮銜 為本校大放異彩

資訊中心主任王偉彥教授獲得IEEE Fellow及IET Fellow的榮銜,是本校創校66年以來,首度經由專業領域研究獲得此項榮譽的教授。IEEE為全球最大電機電子工程學會組織,現有160國包括有40萬會員,每年以不到千分之一的提名率,評選世界最具卓越研究貢獻者;而IET全球約有15萬會員,為全歐洲規模最大且涉及工程領域最廣的工程學會,同時得到兩項國際間重要學會肯定的殊榮,為本校大放異彩。<詳全文>
Distinguished professor and Director of ITC, Wang Wei-Yen, received the honorary titles “IEEE Fellow” and “IET Fellow” from two international associations, IEEE ( Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) and IET (Institution of Engineering and Technology). He will be the first professor to receive honors from these two prestigious institutions in the University’s 66 years of establishment. IEEE is the world’s largest association for electrical and electronics engineers and it currently has 400,000 members from 160 countries. Every year, members are nominated to receive the title “IEEE fellow”. The total number nominated cannot exceed one-tenth of one-percent of the total voting membership. Individuals conferred with the title “IEEE fellow” are generally regarded as the most outstanding researcher in IEEE field of interest. On the other hand, IET has 150,000 members globally and is the largest association in Europe in the field of engineering and covers the most fields of interest in engineering among engineering associations. Professor Wang’s recognition by these two important international organizations at the same time has brought honors and yield excellent achievement for the University.

Win8上市 搶先體驗觸控

微軟最新作業系統 Windows 8上市,全新的介面,除採用觸控功能,加快開關機速度,並具備重置與更新、「文件歷史」、「Storage Spaces」…等許多新功能。資訊中心為能提供師生體驗Win8與尚未上市的office 2013,業已購買光學觸控螢幕放置於各校區電腦教室區展示,歡迎前來搶先體驗使用!<詳全文>
With the arrival of the latest operating system from Microsoft, Windows 8, there will be a new interface with touch screen functions support, enhanced boot and shut down speed and many other functions such as restoring and backing up using File History and Storage Spaces. ITC has purchased several touch panel screens and places them in various computer labs in each campus to provide students and staffs with hands-on experience of Windows 8 and Office 2013.

校園人群匯集 無線網路暢行

Due to the increase in demand for WIFI usage, ITC has installed a new WIFI system. There will be WIFI environment upgrades to improve the coverage of the WIFI in places such as classrooms, dorms, administration offices and department offices. This will greatly improve the quality of the WIFI connection service.

啦啦隊競賽  網上精彩重現

The qualifiers for this year’s cheerleading competition were held on Nov 22nd and over 300 people were watching live via the school website. The quality of the streaming was good and the number of views is a record for the school website. Replays are uploaded on the school website for students and staff to stream.

儲存媒體消磁  提供溫馨服務

資訊中心每季提供消磁服務,協助各單位將欲報廢之儲存媒體(硬碟、磁帶)消磁,以杜絕機敏資料外洩,消磁完畢交由各單位自行領回報廢。而隨身碟(晶片式)及光碟片,提醒各單位務必先予實體破壞再行丟棄,以保個資安全。 <詳全文>
ITC provides degauss service every season to aid all departments in degaussing storage media to prevent confidential information from leaking out to the public. All departments are required to retrieve the media after degaussing for disposal. It is also advised to destroy the storage media physically before disposing to prevent personal information from leaking.

資安稽核服務  前進行政單位

資訊中心於12月主動前往各行政單位進行資訊安全稽核服務。協助本校各行政單位落實資訊安全,為資訊安全的防護作業把關 。<詳全文>
ITC will perform inspection on information security for all departments in December. Please support and aid in the smooth completion of the inspection to provide better security for the information.

電郵系統更新 專業服務升級

In order to advance towards a more professional and higher quality management system for emails, servers in the school will be made open to the public to send emails and email retention period will be extended starting January. On December 10th, there will be an upgrade to the systems. All emails will be stored for 10 days in both the new and old systems and therefore, junk emails will be filtered twice causing each system to send notifications.