臺師大APP上線   開啟行動傳訊

校園資訊也能行動查詢了,即時消息、校園生活、校園活動、圖書服務、資訊服務、就學服務、行政單位、學術單位、學生資訊等資訊,藉由行動應用裝置(如智慧型手機、平板電腦等)的Android Market及App Store免費下載,歡迎師生試用及提供建議。
Campus information is now available on mobile devices (e.g. smart phones, tablet computers) via a free app which is available for download on Android Market and App Store. The app provides information such as instant news, campus life, campus activities, library services, information services, school services, administrative services, academic institution information and student information. All students and faculty members are welcome to try out and provide suggestions.

查詢課程綱要  瞭解教學目標

Students are now able to look up for course information from the newly updated system in order to understand the objectives of the course. Information provided includes course recommended textbooks, course information, course topic and schedule, grading system and teaching methods.

校園授權軟體   歡迎師生使用

本學期各教室新增多種校園軟體與更新版本,有如SAS統計軟體9.3新版內含20模組可供選擇安裝使用,Matlab R2011b網路版本, PhotoImpact X3 、CorelDRAW X5、Adobe CS5.5 Master Collection英文版組合軟體。另有Matlab、SAS 、PhotoImpact X3等全校授權軟體,歡迎師生上網申請借用。<詳全文>
New and updated computer software is now available in all computer classrooms this semester. Available software titles include SAS 9.3 (including 20 modules to install), Matlab R2011b web version, PhotoImpact X3, CorelDraw X5 and Adobe CS5.5 Master Collection English Version. Students and faculty members are welcome to apply for loan on the web. (http://apserver.cc.ntnu.edu.tw/software)

開放專業錄音室   多元應用邁向頂尖

Renovation of the recording studio situated on the 10th floor of ITC has finished and the studio is now available for rent. The studio is divided into two rooms, a professional recording room and a room for discussion or personal recording. There will be professional equipment available and video recording software titles to allow the users to edit the recordings. This aids faculty members and teaching assistants to produce e-learning materials and teaching or exam materials for linguistics, or allows clubs members to use the rooms for activities. The use of the recording studio encourages learning materials to be more digital and diversified and thus, improving the faculty members’ skill in media production.

Moodle數位學習平臺  教師研習陸續開班

On March 17th we hosted an introductory course on operating Moodle platform for those new to the Moodle plat form. People who wish to attend the classes please contact the Center for Teaching and Learning Development in NTNU or visit their website: http://ctld.ntnu.edu.tw/.

詐騙郵件花招多  英文信件誘帳密

不肖人士假冒名義發送英文的系統更新通知郵件,主旨類似 "Your Email Will Soon Be Closed.",本中心絕不以英文信或利用email要求使用者提供帳號密碼,若接到系統更新的英文通知,請勿上當!<詳全文>
Anonymous scammers have been sending out English emails titled “Your Email Will Be Closed” informing users of system updates. We do not send emails in English nor request email users for username and passwords. Please do not be scammed when you receive new system update emails in English.

資訊素養研習  3月起陸續開辦

「教職員資訊素養研習」自3月份起至6月份陸續於本部、公館、林口校區辦理13場次,課程內容包含Google文件、PowerPoint、威力導演、PhotoImpact、Namo Editor、Photoshop、Dreamweaver等班級,開班訊息公布於網站。<詳全文>
Computer training sessions for faculty members will be held from March to June. A total of 13 sessions will be scheduled at the three campuses. Training sessions includes Google Doc, PowerPoint, PowerDirector, PhotoImpact, Namo Editor, Photshop and Dreamweavers. Session information will be announced on the website.

防範個資遭外洩 報廢電腦先消磁

All departments are recommended to delete all confidential data when disposing any storage media or using the storage media for other purposes. This is to prevent confidential data from leaking out. We provide degauss services for hard drives to ensure better data removal. This will further prevent confidential data from being stolen.

在職專班招生 簡章線上下載

In this academic year, application pamphlet and application forms for in-service master program will now be available for download on the newly launched system. The system will accept applications online and issue payment information allows for convenient online application fee payment. Application processes such as payment processstatus, personal details, printing of application forms are now available online.