校園軟體網頁改版  更清晰便利

本中心校園軟體服務網頁重新改版,將各種軟體資訊分頁顯示,分為作業系統、文書軟體、防毒軟體、影像處理與網頁設計、開發和微軟專案、字型./輸入法 、統計分析、其他等頁面,大為便利使用者快速找到所需下載的軟體。<詳全文>
Our campus software services webpage has been updated. We categorize the software according to:Operating System, Word Processing, Anti-Virus, Image Processing& Web Design, Development Tools, Fonts and Input Tools, Statistics Tools, and Utility Tools. This will make the user find the software they need much faster.

電子郵件加密服務  請修改設定

In order to provide a safe email usage environment for the whole university, we begin to provide message encryption service to the mailbox. Please help modify your email account setting ASAP.

啦啦隊競賽線上轉播  如臨現場

The highlight of the sports competition and the selection of the cheerleaders, have been webcasted real time in the evening of Nov 24th. Teachers and students who cannot make it to the event can also participate as you were there! The archival of the historical recording is also available on the school’s website for your watching.

宣導智慧財產權  資中有一套

本中心「智慧財產權宣導網頁」新版上線,新增「活動宣傳」單元,即時報導各單位所舉辦的宣導活動。本年度新生入學智慧財產權常識測驗結果出爐,各系成績請師生瀏覽查閱 /service4800.php
Our new “Intellectual Property Promotion Webpage” is now online. There is a new “Activity Promotion” section to report the latest activities held by each units. The score of the IP knowledge test of the freshman has been just released and can be checked through.

申請網頁弱點掃描  網站安全

In light of increasing website attack, it is critical to ensure the safety when you are building websites to reduce the risk of being hacked. Our center provides website weakness scan service to help you locate the weakness of the web app and provide you with the report. We encourage all units to utilize this service.

個資法立法通過  資安有配套

為強化資訊安全管理,建立安全及可信賴之電子化系統, 訂定本校「資訊安全管理要點」,確保資料、系統、設備及網路之安全。另完成「個人資訊安全注意事項」教師版、職員版及學生版,強化個人資訊安全,避免駭客入侵及個資外洩。<詳全文>
In order to enhance the information security management and to build the safe and trustworthy information system, we set up an “Information Safety Management Guideline” of our university to ensure the safety of data, systems, devices and the network. Besides, we also made the “Individual Information Safety Tips” for teachers, employees, and students, separately, to enhance the security of personal information and prevent hacker’s penetration as well the leak of the personal information.

英文詐騙信件  不要上當

There are many fraud emails in written English asking the account and password on behalf of NTNU. Please DO NOT reply such emails. We never use email to ask for account and password. Please be careful when you are receiving emails from people you don’t know and better yet, do not open it.

在職專班課程意見調查  系統已上線

“Mid-term class opinion survey for part-time students” is placed online in November, there are student version, teacher version, and employee version, for the convenience of different users.

公館校區+會議室無線網  已完成改善

The wireless network improvement project has been completed in October. This project increases the efficiency of the wireless network and makes the connection in campus and in the conference rooms much faster and safer.