
Moodle manual and FAQ are now available in PDF format for download. Users can browse the document and find what they need quickly by pressing ctrl-f for keyword search within the document.


NTNU has recently increased the capacity of school mailbox. Every students and alumni now have 200MB for the mailbox and 200MB for the online storage space. Every Faculties and staffs now have 500 MB for the mailbox and 500MB for the online storage space.


Starting from this semester, students who wish to register any class can ask the professor for “class registration code” to register class on website.

硬體新貨上場,教學增便利!本中心各教室均已建置投影機,林口202教室及公館806教室更換新高速電腦主機、綜1001教室新設置電腦教學廣播系統。軟體部分提供包含MS Office 2007、SPSS統計軟體17.0多國語言版、SAS統計軟體9.1.3版、Matlab R2007b版等,同時提供Windows XP中、英文版與Vista中文版作業系統...<more>

We have made various upgrades in our labs again. The upgrades include new computers in Linkou computer lab 202 and Main campus computer lab 806, new instructor broadcast system in General Building Computer lab 1001, and software version upgrade to Microsoft Office 2007, SPSS 17, SAS 9.1.3, Matlab R2007b.


NTNU ITC takes several precautious steps to combat the H1N1 disease by cleaning computer keyboards with alcohol daily and by providing alcohol sanitizer for users entering computer labs.

Hub退租期限倒數計時!94學年度起每棟學生宿舍皆使用頻寬1 Gbps光纖網路,使用者上網頻寬100 Mbps,使用設施良好。現住宿同學若尚未歸還舊時租借的Hub,請於98年11月30日前依「本校HUB租借辦法」申請退租,逾期將不再受理...<more>

Students who lived in the dorm and borrowed a network Hub from ITC must return the Hub before November 30th, 2009. The refund of the deposit will no longer be offered after the deadline.


Starting from October, there will be three computer classes per week for faculties and staff to attend. Topics cover regular office program, social websites, computer security...etc.


ITC awards Chi-Yang Hsu as the ITC Best Employee of the Month. Chi-Yang Hsu is recognized for his ability to help computer users efficiently and for his professional work attitude.