元復始,「軟項」更新!本中心電腦教室MS Office軟體為2007版、Matlab軟體為R2007b版,SPSS網路版統計軟體更新為18.0多國語言網路版(原SPSS17.0舊版僅能使用至99/3/31止),SAS統計軟體更新為9.2版,歡迎申請借用...<more>
University computer labs received software upgrade during the winter break. The upgrades include Microsoft Office 2007, Mathlab 2007b, SPSS 18 (SPSS 17 will expire on 2010/03/31), SAS 9.2. University authorized users are welcome to borrow them from ITC.

Personalize your email and website addresses! Users now can name their email and personal website addresses with anything they like to make them more personal and easier to be memorized.

偽造系統更新通知騙取郵件帳號密碼,請勿上當!近來又有不肖人士假冒名義發送英文的系統更新通知郵件,主旨類似 "ntnu.edu.tw Feature Release: Upgraded Search",因郵件帳號密碼攸關個人權益及隱私,本中心不會以英文信或利用email要求使用者提供帳號密碼,收到類似要求請務必小心求證...<more>
NTNU ITC recently received a report on a fake security alert email with subject “ntnu.edu.tw Feature Release: Upgraded Search” has being circulated in the NTNU community. NTNU ITC will never ask any users for their account password.

NTNU has renewed the anti-virus contract with Kaspersky in 2010. Please download and upgrade your Kaspersky installation to keep your computer protected.

NTNU ITC is in the process of renewing the SAS contract. SAS users please ignore license expire warning message. Once NTNU ITC received new license info, we will announce the procedure regarding how to renew the program license.

NTNU VOIP service is now available for all NTNU faculty members when they are not in Taiwan. Through simple application, NTNU faculty members can install VOIP software on their laptops and use it to make phone calls in foreign country.

腦教室配合春節寒休!歲末新春期間本校訂於2月12日(週五)至21日(週日)為寒休日, 校本部及公館校區電腦教室將配合98學年度第2學期提前於2月21日(週日)全面開放...<more>
University Computer labs will be closed between 2/12/2010 ~ 2/20/2010 and reopen on 2/21/2010.

NTNU ITC elected Kenji Chang as January’s best employee. Kenji Chang was elected because of his willingness on learning the skills necessary to do his job, he also performed his duty professionally.